Measurement and Modelling of Emissions from Three Composting Sites
May 2007
The focus of this project is on improving regulatory risk assessments. Ongoing research has improved the quality of source term data used in regulatory risk assessments and this study aimed to improve modelling of bioaerosols downwind of composting facilities, by examining the influences on variability of emissions.

Objectives of research
In order to achieve these objectives, three different composting facilities were chosen as case studies, each representing different a composting system:
Bioaerosol samples were collected using a SKC personal air filter sampler. The bioaerosols examined were Aspergillus fumigatus and actinomycetes. The sampling locations at each facility were determined depending on facility layout and activities taking place during each site visit. Each site was visited on three different days during three different seasons to capture any seasonal variation, with a total of nine sampling days.

The odour sampling was carried out for all three composting sites during the summer, as it was estimated that odour concentrations would be highest during warmer conditions. A sampling hood was used for the windrow and silo cage composting systems to estimate the odour concentrations from static emissions, and ‘stack’ sampling was used for the municipal solid waste in-vessel composting system as these represent point source emissions only.

Key findings and recommendations
Keywords: bioaerosols, composting, risk assessment, dispersion modeling.
Copies of this report are available from the Foundation, in electronic format on CDRom at £20.00 + VAT or hard copy at £25.00, less 20% to FWR members.

N.B. The report is available for download from the SNIFFER Website