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ADAS is a consultancy and research organisation to the land-based industries in the UK and overseas. Many aspects of its programme address how to reduce pollution from agriculture and horticulture and to take positive steps to enhance or conserve the rural landscape. Activities and research in these areas, many of which are related to eutrophication, can be viewed on the ADAS website.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH)
CEH undertakes research in land and freshwater environments. It has facilities located at many sites across the UK. The best way to access information is to go to the CEH Website and follow the links to the various science programmes or the research teams.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
The department is responsible for all aspects of water policy in England, including water supply and resources, and the regulatory systems for the water environment and the water industry. These cover: drinking water quality; the quality of water in rivers, lakes and estuaries; coastal and marine waters; sewage treatment; and reservoir safety. The department also co-ordinates marine environment policy, including international agreements on the North East Atlantic and the North Sea. Many of these responsibilities have an influence on eutrophication and much information related to policy making can be found in the Environmental Protection section of the Defra website.
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD)
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) has a long history of eutrophication research in Northern Ireland, which began in 1967 when the Government of Northern Ireland set up the Freshwater Biological Investigation Unit (FBIU) under the Ministry of Agriculture to research the cause of algal blooms on Lough Neagh. Visit the website.
Department of Geography, Reading University
The Aquatic Environments Research Centre is part of the Department of Geography at the University of Reading. Staff at the centre conducts interdisciplinary research on the structure, function, problems and management of a range of different aquatic environments. Particular areas of expertise rest in the nutrient hydrochemistry of lakes, rivers and riparian wetlands, simulation of algal population dynamics in eutrophic lakes, and evaluation of the impact of land use and management on water quality at the catchment scale. Visit the Aquatic Environments Research Centre website.
Division of Molecular and Environmental Microbiology, Dundee University
The Division contains a research team that investigates the formation, significance, fate and control of cyanobacterial toxins (CT). [The genera of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) which commonly form mass populations in fresh, brackish and marine waters include members, which produce potent toxins.] The team contributes to the UK and World Health Organization policy formulation for CT control in drinking and recreational water. Visit the website.
Natural England
Natural England  is a Government agency set up by the Environment Protection Act 1990 to champion the conservation of wildlife, geology and wild places in England. Many of its interests and activities are related to eutrophication. Visit the Natural England website for general information.
Environment Agency for England & Wales (EA)
Following a formal consultation exercise, which ended in March 1999, and further discussions with key external and internal groups, the Agency released its eutrophication strategy in August 2000. This promotes improved policy co-ordination, a partnership approach to eutrophication management, measures to reduce nutrient inputs to water nationally and more comprehensive catchment-based action for priority (impacted or sensitive) waters. Local catchment-based action is being evaluated through the introduction of a suite of pilot eutrophication control action plans. For more information on this and related topics visit the Research Section of the EA website.
Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA)
Eutrophication is considered by NIEA to pose the most widespread single threat to good water quality in Northern Ireland. In October 1999 the Water Management Unit published, for public consultation, "Eutrophication in Northern Ireland's Waters - Proposals for a Strategy to Control Nutrient Enrichment". For the latest developments visit the Environmental Protection section of the NIEA website.
Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER)
The 'Soil, Environmental and Ecological Sciences Dept' of IGER undertakes research on nutrient cycling, agro-ecology and management of farm manures and nutrient resources. These topics are closely related to nutrient enrichment of aquatic environments. Go to the Departments web pages.
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
SEPA is the public body responsible for environmental protection in Scotland. This includes regulatory activities to prevent the pollution of natural waters. Visit the SEPA website for information.

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