Report No FR0442



MARCH 1994



This report provides guidance on the current status and capabilities of the major computer simulation modelling tools developed under the Urban Pollution Management (UPM) Research Programme. This will assist future model users and potential model developers.



Four major simulation modelling tools, together with several simpler planning methodologies, have been developed in the course of the UPM Research Programme. As this programme nears completion, a review of the capabilities and limitations of the major modelling tools is appropriate to assess their performance against current and anticipated user requirements. A final status report is also an essential foundation for any subsequent post UPM model development.


The four major UPM modelling tools have been shown to perform adequately against current requirement specifications. To date, limited applications experience has been gained. However, it is anticipated that future user experience will identify limitations in the current generation of software products. Furthermore, user requirements and performance expectations can be anticipated to increase as users become more experienced. Hence, it is likely that updates to models and model implementation procedures will be required to maintain the utility of the tools.


It is recommended that a period of time is required during which further user experience is gained in the use of the current models. Following on from this, the performance of the models should be reviewed and the user requirement specifications and the models themselves should be updated as necessary. Future development should ensure that the integrated nature of the models is maintained. It is recommended that individual model user groups should input user experience to a central co-ordinating body.


The report is subdivided into six sections. Section 1 presents the background to the development of the UPM models. Sections 2 to 5 review the status of each of the major UPM modelling tools. Each section commences with a product summary followed by the development history, starting with pre UPM approaches. The current product status and capabilities are then described. Finally, future developments are considered. Section 6 provides general conclusions and recommendations regarding the current status and potential future development of these tools beyond the completion of the UPM programme.

Copies of the report are available from FWR, price £15.00, less 20% to FWR Members.