News and Events

News Items

World's rivers 'awash with dangerous levels of antibiotics'

Largest global study finds the drugs in two-thirds of test sites in 72 countries.
Refer to article in Guardian 27th May 2019

Biosolids Position Statements
Wastewater Biosolids Treatment / Use
Assured Biosolids Limited
Impact of microplastics on biosolids recycling to agricultural land
The UK Microplastics network
The Network is funded by a NERC knowledge-exchange fellowship, in response to the growing need for wider stakeholder understanding and involvement in the field of microplastics research. The aim of this network is to gather and distribute relevant information and connect stakeholders. It is fully inclusive and open to any interested parties, including academia, government, industry, charities, consultancies and more. For more information or to join the network contact , or to simply see regular updates please follow the Twitter feed @UK_microplastic

Conferences & Meetings

Training Events