Wastewater News Archive

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GI and air improvement (Posted 02/10/2014)
“Everyone knows that trees help clean the air by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen - but it appears that they are able to do more than that. A recent study has shown that silver birch trees can absorb as much as 50% of the particulate matter generated by automobiles." This comes from lead author Barbara Maher from the University of Lancaster and has been published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Pharmaceutical contaminants (Posted 21/07/2014)
An article in Environmental Science Letters reporting the effect of Oxazepam at concentrations realistic for wastewater, on Eurasian Perch found it actually improved health and decreased mortality (but maybe not for its prey species!). Ecotoxicity is complicated.

FWR invited to discuss wastewater management with delegates from Jiangsu Province, China (Posted 12/07/12)
Sino-UK Link is a Non-Government Organisation established in 1999 to promote the exchange of economy and culture between the people of China and Britain. It organised a study tour (sponsored by the Chinese government) on wastewater management for 25 engineers from Jiangsu Province (capital and largest city Nanjing) and municipalities within it in June 2012. The delegation leader was Ms. He Lingjun Deputy Divisional Director, Urban Construction Division of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province.

Biodiesel from Microalgae
Researchers at the Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, are developing biodiesel from microalgae grown in wastewater. The project is doubly ‘green’ because algae consume nitrates and phosphates and reduce bacteria and toxins in the water. The end result is that of clean wastewater and stock for a promising biofuel. Read more....