Water and Land Directorate - Water Quality Division Reports

Date Title Summary
2003 Derivation of Aquatic Quality Standards for Priority List Substances not Covered by Existing UK Regulations WQD0005
2004 Assessment of the Potential Costs to the Water Industry of Reducing Oestrogenic Steroid Discharges in Treated Sewage Effluent - Final report WQD0004
2003 Development of Aquatic Quality Standards (QSs) for Dioxins WQD0003
2005 Valuation of Benefits to England and Wales of a Revised Bathing Water Quality Directive and Other Beach Characteristics Using the Choice Experiment Methodology Defra
2004 Updating an Estimate of the Source Apportionment of Nitrogen to Waters in England and Wales WQD0002
2000 Organic Contaminants in Sewage Sludges: A Survey of UK Samples and a Consideration of their Significance WQD0001