The Economic Cost Effects of Salinity
November 2000
WRC Report No: TT 123/00



The Water Research Commission and the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry commissioned an investigation into the economic, social and behavioural impacts that would result due to changes in the salinity of South Africa's water resources.

The aim of the study was, primarily, to develop a generalised methodology model to determine the generic impact of changes in the total salt concentration found in South African rivers and to interpret these impacts in financial, economic and social terms. The resultant model was required to be:

  1. comprehensive with respect to addressing the salinity problems
  2. applicable to any salinity situation in any water sector in South Africa.

An important role of the study was to verify the generalised model. This was achieved by applying it to a specific geographic area, namely the Middle Vaal River area. In order to achieve this, actual data gathering exercises were conducted and applied in the conceptual model. Based on this, a process of verification and model adjustments was undertaken, to incorporate the distinctive circumstances pertaining specifically to the Middle Vaal River area.

A generic model, making provision for all possible conceptual elements applicable to salinisation, has thus resulted. The model comprises separate equations representing the different sectors of the economy as well as the natural environment and water feeder systems. An outstanding feature of the model is that it is a generalised model and as such is applicable to any salinisation situation in South Africa.

The value of the study lies in applying the findings of the study in a policy environment. This means that the study results can provide motivation to formulate new policy directives for utilising water resources in a given area.


There has been a steady increase in the salt content of the Vaal River since 1935. This increase has accelerated markedly since 1965 with a further pronounced effect caused by the droughts prior to 1996. This increase in the salt content affects all water use components exposed to such water.

A major salinity problem exists in the Middle Vaal River area, between the Barrage and Bloemhof Dam. Various options for solving the problem have already been identified. All the options are, however, costly and it is important to quantify the benefits of a reduction in salt concentration in order to justify expenditure on measures to reduce the salinity.


Prior to deciding how salinity in the water supply could be managed, it is necessary to determine the total cost of salinity to the economy, namely its direct, indirect and induced cost effects. Costs borne by the various sectors in the economy have to be determined, including the identification of behavioural impacts. The study addresses the impacts of increased level of salinity throughout the economy.

In order to address the uncertainties with respect to the economic implications of salinity, the Water Research Commission identified the need to develop a methodology that can be utilised in difficult salinity situations.

The project was divided into two phases:


The research conducted to determine the economic effects of salinity is based on a sectoral approach. The economy had been classified into different sectors and research was conducted separately for each sector. These results were integrated to determine the total economic effects on the economy. On account of the volume of research results, the sectoral research is presented in separate volumes to support the integrated results contained in the main report (Volume I).

Each of the sectoral reports, combining its initial inputs for the generalised model with its findings in the case study, has been separately bound. These are individually available as:

Volume II : Household Sector

Volume III : Agriculture Sector

Volume IV : Mining Sector

Volume V : Industrial Sector

Volume VI : Services Sector

Volume VII : Water Quality Analysis, Feeder Systems, Natural Environment.

As the main report is an integration and interpretation of the background research, variations may occur. The background research should be interpreted as the development of a reference framework by the different specialists and during the course of the study, research findings were continually refined.


The approach followed with the study is based on economic theory by conceptualising sectoral behaviour within the economy. In quantifying these conceptual formulae, surveys were undertaken in the Middle Vaal River study area to obtain the direct costs related to salinity. These direct costs represent only a partial estimate of the total costs of salinity. In order to determine the indirect costs and other spin-off effects, an integrated costing framework had to be set up. This was done by utilising the input-output (IO) technique and a combination of IO applications.

Despite the inherent limitations of the IO technique, it is a very versatile and flexible model to simulate real-world situations. Furthermore, its ability to determine the indirect and induced cost effects, renders the approach as well as the results unique and comprehensive.

The sectors analysed are households, agriculture, mining, industry, services and feeder systems, as well as the natural environment. Conceptual cost formulae were formulated to determine the direct costs and behavioural impacts on costs for different levels of salinity. Based on this background research to set develop these formulae, the research results indicated that both the feeder systems and the natural environment would not incur significant (incremental) costs within the specified salinity range of 200 mg/l to 1200 mg/l Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). These two sectors were therefore not incorporated into the integrated model.

Upon conducting surveys in the study area to determine the direct sectoral costs, a variety of problems was encountered. The most important of these is the fact that many respondents (i.e. sectoral water users) are not aware of the costs of salinity and therefore assigning costs to behaviour becomes rather presumptuous. Behaviour does, however, play an important role in the household and agricultural sectors. With the other sectors, behaviour is driven by technology and production factors.

The survey results obtained in the Middle Vaal River study area were analysed and transformed where necessary, to be integrated into the 10 modelling framework. The following approaches were followed:

Each of these approaches focused on a different aspect in determining the total cost effects of different levels of salinity .


The results obtained with the IO analyses indicated that the total costs of salinity are significant in the Middle Vaal River study area.

6.1 Direct Cost Effects

The direct costs of salinity to the entire economy of the case study area are established from the mathematical combination of the survey data collected within each individual sector. There are constraints with much of the data, since most interviewees were unable to supply data for any conditions other than those currently being experienced and were generally rather uninformed about salinity and its potential effects.

Despite the drawbacks, the data provided some indication of the direct economic effects of increased salinity. The collected data was centred around 500 mg/l which is the average salinity level presently experienced in the study area. Data for salinity levels below 500 mg/l implies a corresponding saving at these lower salinity levels. A 100 mg/l increase in the TDS to 600 mg/l is expected to effect a R26 million increase in annual direct costs in the study area (refer to Table 1). Increasing the TDS to the highest limit (1200 mg/l) is expected to result in a direct cost of R183 million/a to the region. Conversely, a saving of R80 million/a is anticipated should the salinity drop from current levels to 200 mg/l.

Table 1. Direct Costs of Salinity, (1995 Values in Millions of SA rands)



at 600 mg/l















Business and Services








Manufacturing 1








Manufacturing 2
















Households (suburban)








Households (township)








Households (informal)

















In considering these direct cost changes the effects can be equated to changes in prices in the economy. The percentage direct impact of salinity abatement on CPI and PPI at a salinity level of 600 mg/l TDS, amounts to 0.0013% and 0.0016% respectively. In effect this implies a relatively small change in these indices which can be equated to changes in inflation.

The greatest direct cost implications occur to the household sector. The direct costs to the households comprise approximately 85% of the total direct costs within the economy under investigation. This is not unexpected, since the household sector comprises the largest group of treated water users in the economy even though the per capita cost increases are not the highest. Conversely, the sectors that use very little water and those using predominantly untreated water are expected to have lower direct cost effects.

Manufacturing 1, where water requires no treatment, has a relatively low water consumption and experiences less than 0.5% of the direct cost of salinity increases at 600 mg/ £. By way of contrast, business and services, a relatively large sector within the economy, can be attributed with 4.5% of the total direct costs, while Manufacturing 2 (which treats its water) will face cost increases owing to the costs of treatment. Thus, unsurprisingly, this latter sector experiences 5% of the direct costs to the economy.

Although the mining sector uses large volumes of water in terms of production, much of the water employed is used in re-circulating circuits. Further, this water does not, in general, require a high degree of purification and thus the costs are lower than might otherwise be expected (3%).

Similarly, most of the water employed in the agricultural sector is drawn directly from the river itself. The water costs to agriculture are low, and agriculture is a small sector, occupying a fairly narrow band along the Vaal River. Thus, agriculture occupies a small niche in the economy and its contribution of 1.5% of the total direct costs of the study region, is not unexpected.

6.2 Indirect and Induced Effects

The models employed for the case study calculated the direct, indirect and induced costs to the economy. Since the JO table was closed with respect to households, an allowance was made for the reciprocal relationships between income and consumption, as well as the impact on the economy, resulting from the interdependence of industries in their production process and the behaviour of households. The closing of the 10 table effectively added another industry to the economy. Households have a large impact on the economic processes in the region of study and wider, resulting in the expectation of larger impacts than would have been anticipated if the table had been in its open format, considering direct and indirect effects alone.

Ratios of the direct, indirect and induced costs to the direct costs (Direct Cost Multipliers, DCM) determined by means of the multiplier analysis, range from 1 to about 3.3. This implies that the spin-off effects of increased salinity are significant and the direct costs alone are a poor reflection of the cost impacts of salinity.

The ranking of the sectors researched, based on the salinity multipliers, indicates that at relatively low levels of salinity it is the community and other service sectors which will be most adversely affected. At high levels of salinity the gold mining sector will have to incur the highest cost to combat salinity.

The results of the pricing model are expressed in terms of percentage changes in the consumer and producer price indices and essentially represent forward linkages. The impacts have been determined in terms of regional and national impacts. Considering only the impact on the productive sectors, results of the same order as the multipliers provided are found, but with less spread. The direct and indirect DCMs for PPI and CPI are found to lie between 1.36 and 1.84, whilst the direct, indirect and induced DCMs are found to lie between 1.96 and 3.5. It should be noted that the pricing model results indicate variables for abase year expressed in percentages. This implies annual changes in costs or prices.

The percentage total increases in CPI and PPI for salinity levels increases from 600 mg/l to 1200 mg/l can be summarised as indicates in Table 2:

Table 2: Percentage increase in price indices

Salinity abatement by:

CPI: % change

PPI: % change

Productive sectors

-0.008 to 0.01

-0.01 to 0.015

Productive sectors & households

-0.1. to 0.22

-0.11 to 0.26

These changes seem to be small but are significant when related to Rand values in regional and national context. This had been done and the regional and national annual impacts are summarised as indicated in Table 3:

Table 3: Impacts on price indices




National increase



600 mg/l



1200 mg/l



Regional increase



600 mg/l



1200 mg/l



The augmented model was executed using both regional and national 10 tables to determine the total cost effects of salinity abatement. Multipliers were calculated for comparison with the other model applications.

The chief outcome was that the DCM was 3.0 for the national case, and 2.6 for the regional case. These figures did not change significantly over the salinity range of 600 mg/l to 1200 mg/l TDS. The difference in the national and regional DCM is due to the differences in structure between the national and the regional economies. Since the 10 analysis is based upon coefficients, the actual size of the economies has no influence on the DCMs. Only changes in the size of the input (or technical) coefficients (which in turn reflects a change in the structure of the tables) would influence the outcome.

6.3 Behavioral Effects

The decisions regarding salinity changes made in the mining, business and services and the manufacturing sectors tend to be driven by technology and production regimes. These sectors are likely to make changes to combat the effects of salinity, based purely on the financial implications to the concern. As a result, there are few, if any, unexpected responses to salinity effects and the calculated costs can be accepted as reliable.

During the data collection in the agricultural sector, the cost effects of two possible scenarios, based on management decisions or behaviour, were established. These included a "best case" scenario, where the farmer would 'maintain the current levels of production, regardless of cost, and a second scenario, where the farmer would choose to allow the crop yields to be reduced. This was only done for the hybrid model and the overall costs to the economy were found to be hardly affected by the two alternatives. At the 600 mg/£ level, the total costs decrease by less than RO.3 million. The variations are found to be between 0.1% and 0.3% of the overall costs, which are less significant than the probable errors in the data. rhus, the different behavioural responses available in the agricultural sector are unlikely to impact on the total costs to the economy.

The most significant behavioural effects are, however, from the household sector. The responses to increased salinity, while to some extent determined by the need to adapt to the changes, are largely driven by the availability of finances to maintain the status quo and overcome the problems arising from increased salinity. These behavioural responses are more likely to appear in those sectors of lower earning potential, and the informal household sector is far less likely to effect changes arising from increased salinity than suburban households. This is borne out by the variance in the data collected.


Based on the output from the model established for the Middle Vaal River region, the economic costs attributable to changing salinity, have been determined.

There exists an effective limit to the cost of salinisation. This is determined by the cost of desalinating the bulk water supply which would represent the most costly option of water treatment. Care must be taken not to allow the costs of salinisation to reach high levels. The viability of desalinating may be increased if selective desalination is applied to the consumer sectors incurring the highest relative costs, although other options should be explored first.

This is obviously a simplistic first-Iine approach, but it highlights the need to consider bulk or partial treatment of the water supply in the Middle Vaal area as the status quo is already 500 mgll. Behavioural response is particularly important as the quality of the water in the area is already perceived to be problematic.

The results of the study identified the total economic effects of increased salinity levels for the Middle Vaal River area. Based on these findings and the knowledge gained with respect to behaviour, the following observations are made:

The interpretation of the findings of this study does not take into account alternative options with respect to water provision. This implies that the costs of salinity have not been related or compared to the situation of utilising transfer water and other allocation options. Furthermore, the results of the study are expressed in direct and spin-off effects and thus any further interpretation or comparison of these results with specific options, should be done in the same manner, namely to refer to total costs.


The value of the study lies in the fact that a first approximation of the spin-off effects of salinity on the economy had been determined. Furthermore, an indication of the behavioural costs for specific sectors has been obtained. On account of the specific study area chosen and the difficulties encountered in applying an integrated economic cost model to its specific considerations/circumstances, the following shortcomings may be addressed with further research: