Coagulantsfor Water Treatment

AGeneric Guide to Coagulants, Coagulant Aids and Flocculant Aids available inAustralia

ReportNo WSAA 42


May 1992






Thisreport is a summary of UWRAA Research Report No 41 : ‘Assessment of Coagulantsfor Water Treatment’ and has been prepared by the Australian Centre for WaterQuality Research, Adelaide, South Australia. It contains a generic summary ofcoagulants, coagulant aids and flocculant aids available in Australia for thetreatment of drinking waters and is intended as a handbook for personnelinvolved in treatment plant operations. It is proposed to update the summaryevery 1-2 years to include new products.


Copiesof the Report are available from WSAA, price $A20. Orders may be placed throughthe Bookshop at or by email to